Why should I choose Lektor’s courses over the others?

I am glad you asked! Here are our Top 3 advantages:

First of all, the courses are designed by industry, and pedagogical experts to match the expectations of today’s learners. And what’s more, the pedagogy is based on the Finnish educational system, which is ranked as one of the world’s best. This quality you get for a price usually offered by low-cost, just-tick-the-box, minimum-requirement operators.

Then we have the price. The course has an attractive price in itself, but top that with the fact that you save all the travel and accommodation costs usually related to the training. You really see the result on the bottom line.

We can’t emphasise our flexibility enough. No more fixed schedules and long lead times. No more waiting and hoping if there is availability on a course. If you need the course tomorrow, we’ll work our butts off so you can get it tomorrow.