Practical Instructor Refresher

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+€250 with competence assessment

Prices exclude VAT (24%)

Holders of the Practical Instructor endorsements are authorized to provide On-the-Job Training Instructor (OJTI) or Synthetic Training Device Instructor (STDI) practical training and supervision during initial training, unit training, and continuation training.

This is a fully self-paced online course. Click the button below to enroll.

The Practical Instructor Refresher course is certified and compliant with the regulation (EU) 2015/340.

Lektor Practical Instructor Refresher course is designed for experienced ATC instructors in terms to prevent their knowledge and skills erosion and to reinforce the motivation and instructional techniques required in their work as an instructor. The course structure covers objectives applicable to OJTI as well as STDI training.


The Lektor Practical Instructor Refresher course participant shall have completed a full OJTI / STDI course as an ATCO, or in other role within Air Traffic Service domain.

Training methods

Practical Instructor Refresher Course comes with full online delivery. It includes theoretical parts, which can be completed with a professional ATC Training instructor via videoconferencing tool, or as independent study using a Learning Management System to access the learner-paced modules.

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The modules with instructor driven learning includes discussions, presentations, virtual table-top exercises and case-studies. They involve the learner, so the participants will have a very active role on the course.

Study modules on the LMS utilise all the modern elements you can expect from an online course. You’ll study with videos, articles, podcasts, forums, quizzes, assignments and other tasks that keep you engaged in the learning process. Again, there is no time for you to be just a passive recipient of information. Active learner learns better.

Practical exercises and competence assessment

Lektor is very proud to use an innovative tool to accommodate practical instructor refresher training online. We have developed an interactive software app, which creates an ATC Training context for the learners. The tool does still not really have a name, but we call it Instructor Skills Trainer, the IST. Here’s how it works.

The IST combines a continuous video and audio connection between the participant, the course instructor/assessor and the role-playing ATC trainee in the exercise. On their screens, they all have a view of a stripboard and of an Air Traffic Control environment which are on an interactive whiteboard. The environments are available for TWR, Approach and Area control disciplines, each with their own set of procedures and rules to follow.

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The exercise has a script, which forms a dynamic traffic situation in which the training if instructor takes place. The participants can move the strips and supportive symbols on the screen according to the developing traffic situation.

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The system is also approved to be used on the competence assessment at the end of the course. Exercises and assessments can be recorded and used later as educational material or as evidence for auditory purposes.

Objectives of the course

After successful completion of the Lektor Practical Instructor Refresher course a participant shall fulfil the requirements of regulation (EU) 2015/340 in order to apply for the OJTI or STDI endorsement to their ATCO licence. This includes

  • application of current coaching and instructional techniques,

  • appreciation of the safety related impact of instructor ́s role,

  • understanding and skills of the objectives detailed in the syllabus part of this Training Plan

Duration of the course

The Lektor Practical Instructor Refresher Course is designed to take 2 days.

Competence assessment

The competence assessment is required for candidates who are renewing their expired endorsement. The competence assessment for the Practical Instructor Refresher course has an additional price of €300 (VAT included).


After successful completion of the course, the participant receives a Training Certificate, which states required details and the Practical Instructor endorsement.

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