CSR Strategy


Lektor is proud to foster social responsibility in all its actions and operations. We strive to contribute to well-being of our employees, the communities our business impacts, as well as the environment.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility aims to accomplish following:

Regularly participate in charitable activities to support the local community and commit to support the selected charitable causes.

Encourage voluntary activities among employees, by providing flexibility and support for such initiatives. Lektor highlights the importance of giving back to the community and supporting charitable causes.

Maintain a robust Safety Policy, which is documented and published in Lektor’s Management System Manual, and ensure all employees are aware of and trained on safety procedures and policies.

Implement a reporting system that aims for Continuous Improvement by encouraging employees to report any safety concerns, ethical issues, or suggestions for CSR improvement. Lektor reviews the feedback regularly and acts upon it to continuously enhance our CSR initiatives.

Maintain high Instructor Pool Standards by paying careful attention to the conduct and behavior of instructors in our pool. Lektor focuses on professionalism, ethics, equality, non-discrimination, fairness and respect in instructor selection and performance evaluations.

Promote remote learning options to reduce the need for travel for training purposes and emphasise the positive impact on the environment by reducing the carbon footprint of our actions.

Encourage our suppliers to adopt ethical and sustainable practices in their operations. Prioritise suppliers who share our commitment to CSR principles.

Regularly assess the social and environmental impact of our services and initiatives. Use data and feedback to refine CSR initiatives and maximise our positive impact.

Continue to provide a safe and inclusive workplace that prioritises employee well-being by offering training, support, and healthy work-life balance.

By implementing this CSR strategy, Lektor Consulting Resources Finland Oy is committed to making a meaningful impact on its community, employees, and the environment. Our focus on charitable activities, safety, transparency, and responsible business practices reflects our dedication to corporate social responsibility and aligns with our vision and values. We are confident that these efforts will contribute positively to the well-being of all stakeholders involved.

  • Lektor management