ATC training

Are these common biases hindering your learning process in ATC training?

Biases are tendencies and prejudices that affect the way we think and behave. As our Christmas Calendar, we posted a common bias every day in December to educate our followers on how different biases influence our learning. In this blog we have gathered all the information from our Cognitive Christmas Calendar and gone more in depth to how you can avoid each bias.

Anchoring bias: The first lesson in isn’t the whole truth even in Air Traffic Control training

Anchoring bias applies when we become over-reliant on the first piece of information we receive and we ‘anchor’ our opinion on it. This initial piece of information, known as the "anchor," can be a number, a price, or any other type of data point. The individual then uses this anchor as a reference point when making decisions, even if the anchor is not relevant or accurate. This bias can lead to poor decision-making and can be difficult to overcome. 

Be open when learning new things, as sometimes additional information can be slightly different, or even overrule the information you anchored your opinion on.

Availability heuristic: Don’t count on the first piece of information you receive

We easily overestimate the importance of information that is available to us. Availability bias operates on the notion that, if you can remember something, it must be important. At least it feels more important than alternative solutions not coming to your mind easily.

Even if we remember that something once happened to this one ATC instructor, it does not necessarily mean that the same will happen to all ATC instructors. This is a mental shortcut that relies on immediate examples that come to a given person's mind when evaluating a specific topic, concept, method, or decision.

So don't be afraid to dig deeper. It is important to remember that things are rarely black and white, even in ATC Training, and there is often more to things than we think we know.

Bandwagon effect: Are you just agreeing with your ATC instructors and colleagues?

The Bandwagon effect is a powerful form of groupthink, and it is the term used to describe the tendency for people to adopt certain behaviors, styles, or attitudes simply because others are doing so. This effect is often seen in politics, where people may support a certain candidate simply because it is popular or because they want to be part of the majority. It can also be seen in consumer behavior, where it makes people buy a certain product or follow a trend just because it is popular. 

The bandwagon effect is a form of peer pressure, as people may feel the need to conform to the beliefs or behaviors of the majority. The effect can be both positive and negative.

Try to form your own opinions based on facts to avoid groupthink skewing your views.

Blind-spot bias: Even Air Traffic Controllers cannot see everything. Observe your own biases like you would monitor traffic from an ATC tower.

We often fail to recognise the impact of our own judgment, while at the same time noticing how others are biased in their opinions. In other words, Blind Spot Bias is the tendency to say "I am not nearly as biased as those others". Blind spot bias can be caused by a variety of factors, including a lack of self-awareness, a lack of knowledge about the subject matter, or a lack of understanding of the implications of one’s own biases.

To avoid the blind-spot bias, be open to question your own views. It is worthwhile to take a step back and see things from a different perspective. It helps to listen carefully to what others say about the thing and to ask specific questions.

Choice-supportive bias: Was your choice really the right one?

We tend to feel positively about our own choices. Air Traffic Controllers often choose a course of action and then stick to it - even in cases it may prove not to be the best solution. If I choose option A instead of option B, I am likely to see only the good qualities of my choice, and amplify the faults of the other. This distinct cognitive bias might occur once a decision is made. It makes us remember our past choices as being better than they actually were.

Be critical and analytic of your decisions. Acknowledge all the options before making a decision. If problems related to your choices come up, avoid being overly defensive of them. As an ATC Trainee, you are still developing your catalog of choices. Let your instructor help you find more viable options to choose from.

Clustering illusion: Is it a pattern? Or is it just a group of random data that looks like a pattern?

Clustering illusion makes us find patterns in circumstances where no pattern exists. Clustering illusion occurs when people observe a pattern in a set of data that is not actually present. For example, if someone were to observe a series of coin flips and noticed that heads came up more often than tails, they might think that it is more likely to happen again. 

When learning (and in operational Air Traffic Control work), gather enough data to avoid hasty conclusions. Scrutinize your own assumptions! Using statistical methods in analyzing data is one way to avoid the clustering illusion.

Confirmation bias: You can always find information that supports your views (Air Traffic Controllers are notoriously good at this), but it doesn’t mean you are right

Confirmation bias, the tendency to process information by looking for, or interpreting, information that is consistent with one’s existing beliefs. We tend to search, favor, and accept information that confirms our own opinions and values. This bias can lead us to ignore or discount evidence that contradicts our beliefs, and instead focus on evidence that supports our views. Confirmation bias can also lead to a lack of creativity and critical thinking.

To avoid this bias, analyse opinions that are contrary to your own and always use various sources of information. Try not to automatically reject ideas that don’t fit with your existing beliefs, instead take the time to consider them and weigh the evidence.

Conservatism bias: “Traditionally Air Traffic Control Training happens in a classroom, that’s the way to do it”

Our prior views affect the way we perceive new information. People cling to their prior views or forecasts at the expense of acknowledging the latest information. A bit like saying: "Learning in the classroom is the best way, because that is the way myself and others have always learned."

Be aware that your own ideas can be incorrect. Use new evidence to assess validity of existing information that you perceive to be the truth. Ask yourself why you believe what you do and question your own assumptions.

Information bias: Are you drawing conclusions based on only a few examples?

Information bias is a type of error that occurs when key variables are incomplete, or otherwise incorrectly measured or classified. For example, if a study is done on a small sample size, the results may not be representative of the population as a whole. 

Surprisingly, more information is not always better. With less information, we can often make more accurate predictions. It is not always the amount, but the quality and integrity of the information that plays a significant role in the process. 

However, information bias can make us seek information even if it does not affect action and is therefore unnecessary. Evaluate how much information you really need to make predictions and informed decisions. In research, choosing the sample group has to be done carefully.

The ostrich effect: Don’t bury your head in the ground

We all like to stay positive but sometimes it simply is not realistic. The Ostrich effect, which describes how people often avoid negative information, including feedback, is a decision to bury our heads in the sand like an ostrich to ignore critical or unfavourable information. The effect not only makes us wilfully blind but could possibly lead to disadvantageous surprises later.

Remember that we are human beings, so let’s keep our heads high and accept that sometimes we have to face negative information and criticism too. Learning to give and take constructive criticism is a key in Air Traffic Control Training as well to avoiding the ostrich effect.

Outcome bias: “No planes crashed, so everything must have gone right”

Outcome bias can mislead our decision-making process: we are likely to judge a decision based on the outcome, rather than how the decision was made. For example, investing in a stock may have been a good decision, but if the stock price drops, the decision may be judged as bad. Outcome bias can lead to a lack of accountability, where decision-makers don’t want to take responsibility for decisions that have negative outcomes.

Remember to carefully assess the way you make decisions and how you weigh the pros and cons. A positive outcome does not necessarily indicate the correct way of getting there - especially true in Air Traffic Control. Take responsibility for your decisions. If a decision turns out to be bad, find the reasons so you can do better next time.

Overconfidence: “I know everything about Air Traffic Controlling”

Being good at something can put us at risk of getting too confident about our abilities, which can be hazardous for an Air Traffic Controller. Overconfidence causes us to take greater risks in our everyday lives and makes us ignorant to expanding our knowledge further. The overconfidence effect is observed when people’s subjective confidence in their own ability is greater than their actual performance.

This one is especially for all the experts out there! Do not get too comfortable in your knowledge. Stay curious and open, constantly endeavor to learn more, and develop your special skills. Accept that you will never know everything about a topic, there are always ways to improve.

Pro-innovation bias: “The newest Air Traffic Control Training simulator must be the best!”

Pro-innovation bias occurs when a proponent of innovation tends to overvalue its usefulness and undervalue its limitations. This bias is often seen in politics and the business world, where companies are more likely to invest in new products and services than in existing ones. Pro-innovation bias can lead to a lack of focus, where all the energy is put into new ideas and existing ones are ignored.

Innovations and progress are brilliant; however, your excitement might distort your sight. Keep questioning your views, ask others for opinions and try to find things to improve on (you can always find something!). Improving existing ideas and services is an important factor in reaching long-term success.

Recency: Remember to look into older data

Our minds often have the tendency to weigh the latest information more heavily than older data. For example, investors tend to think the market will always look the way it looks today, which can lead to unwise decisions. The recency bias can also lead to a skewed view of the past, as people tend to remember recent events more clearly than older events.

When learning new information, remember to weigh it against what you already know, and do not give it more importance than it deserves. Always consider the long-term history in addition to the latest information about the issue.

Salience bias: “I saw ten articles about Artificial Intelligence taking over human tasks in Air Traffic Control, so it must be happening!”

We focus on information that is more noteworthy or more easily available to us. This can lead to believing that something is more common than it actually is just because it is more visible in the media or talked about more.This bias can also lead to decisions that are not based on the most accurate or complete information.

Finding statistics and numerical facts can help overcome salience bias. Awareness of the bias’ existence is a good starting point.

Selective perception: Are you ignoring uncomfortable information?

Selective perception causes us to quickly forget things that cause emotional discomfort or are contrary to our beliefs and previous experience. Simplified it means we filter out important information only to believe what we wish to believe. For example, a strong belief that a certain political party is bad may lead us to perceive information that confirms this belief and ignore any opposite information. Or seeing two aircraft on a collision course, you, as an Air Traffic Controller, may not believe what you see on your screen is actually happening.

Breaking the habit can be difficult. Bringing together people with diverse experiences and backgrounds to exchange ideas helps everyone to see a wider perspective. Become aware of the uncomfortable feelings you might experience when hearing something that does not match with your former beliefs and experiences.

Placebo effect: Believe it and you’ll feel it

Placebo effect is a beneficial outcome caused by the person's belief in a certain method that doesn't have a real proven effect on improving the issue. This is widely researched in medicine and is often used to compare the effectiveness of a new drug or treatment against a placebo.

Simply acknowledging the possibility of placebo effect and having a control group in research helps separate the actual and belief-based effect.

Stereotyping: “You are an ATC Training instructor, so you must be like a bad-ass superhero!”

Stereotyping leads to assumptions about an individual only based on what group they are part of. This helps with simplifying our social world and absorbing new information. However, it can be harmful and disrespectful to assume without knowing.

Meet new people, ask questions, and educate yourself. Try to walk in the shoes of the people you meet and see their perspective. When you find yourself making assumptions about someone based on the group they seem to be part of, question your thoughts. If you hear someone else making a stereotype, don’t be afraid to challenge it.

Survivorship bias: Take the failures into consideration, too

Survivorship bias makes us overlook failures and create overly optimistic expectations based on the information that is easily available to us. For example, looking at financial performance of different companies, businesses that no longer exist are easily ignored.

Choose your data resources carefully and always consider the context. Survivorship bias can be avoided by looking at all the successes and failures, rather than just focusing on the successes. This helps to form a better assessment of the overall success rate.

Biases exist for a reason

It is important to remember that while biases can have a negative effect on our learning, both in ATC training and elsewhere, they also help us process big amounts of information faster by grouping ideas together. Therefore, biases are not our villain, but becoming aware of them helps us be more objective.

Gamification Boosts Learning on Lektor's Online Courses

Gamification means applying game mechanics into non-game environments such as online learning, communities and websites. Its goal is to engage and motivate the users of the platform. Gamification encourages active learning, which is needed in studying any subject.

Gamification has been used for years. In fact, Dmitri Mendeleev, the scientist seen as the father of the Periodic Table for Elements, used gamification to study the elements. He was known for being an enthusiastic card player, and when he had trouble processing all the data regarding the elements, he turned the classification process into a card game. Mendeleev’s findings were published and later on other scientists were able to fill in his work and further develop the Periodic Table. What makes the story even more remarkable, is that growing up Mendeleev was not a very successful student, but his gamification system turned it around.

Even though gamification has been used for years, the revolutionary improvement in learning through gamification has only been recognized in the last decade. According to a study done by a cyber security company, students’ activation increased by 43% when using gamification in comparison to traditional learning.

Gamification works just as well on adult learners than children, even if it is too easily associated with kids’ play. The activating tasks make the learner more motivated, and learning happens imperceptibly. 

Gamification uses game design elements such as collecting points and badges, using avatars and teammates, as well as storytelling. These elements are proven methods for elevating our natural desire for learning, competing, and socializing. In learning environments, gamification’s purpose is to boost the user’s motivation to learn. Winners,  losers and ranking orders are secondary aspects. Gamification also provides the user with instant feedback and rewards. 

Gamification in ATC

In air traffic control, gamification is often used in simulations where ATC students can train for real-life situations such as operating the radar. In some places the simulations are even called ‘games’ but they do still have a real purpose, so we prefer to call them “exercises”.

Lektor’s Instructor Skills Trainer (IST) is built like a simulator. Students are able to practice operating air traffic control through an interactive training platform. The IST shows the operational context (TWR, or radar) where learners can “play with” the traffic to practice every-day operations. These exercises are comparable to the more traditional simulations used in ATC training all around the world.

Lektor’s Learning Management System

The IST is an individual learning tool but also Lektor’s Learning Management System, called  TalentLMS includes gamified functions. TalentLMS’ gamification features are points, badges, levels, leaderboards, and rewards. 

Points are used for keeping score and improving the competitive spirit among users of the platform. Badges highlight the milestones and boost the learners’ sense of achievement. Levels keep the learners confident that they are moving forward. They also make sure that the learner is learning in a logical order where difficulty increases over time. Leaderboards help learners compare themselves to other players, and can motivate certain learners to practice more effectively. Rewards provide a motivational boost.

The Future of Gamification

We at Lektor believe that gamification is here to stay and will be used in modern learning environments. Lektor is a pioneer in ATC training and we want to make learning active, fun, and efficient in a way that suits your needs. “Your Training. Your Way.” as we like to say. Get to know our course portfolio.

Do we need psychological safety in ATC training?

“Any questions?” 

You have most likely asked this question at some point during your career as an ATC instructor to be met only with a bunch of blank faces and silence. You were maybe left wondering whether trainees were at all engaged with the lesson.    

Especially for trainees, asking may sometimes mean admitting not having understood and they are just trying to avoid been seen as stupid. This fear is something instructors need to help their trainees overcome if they want to create a  great learning experience. 

What is psychological safety?

Psychological safety refers to the environment in which everybody feels accepted, respected, and safe to take risks and speak their minds without fear of negative consequences or retribution.  

In a training context, it means that trainees don’t worry about looking stupid, or being humiliated or judged for saying something wrong, asking questions, or making mistakes. In fact, in a psychologically safe environment, all understand that asking questions and making mistakes are crucial to learning.

With low levels of psychological safety, people feel stressed and are not motivated. No one can do their best if they are mentally and emotionally exhausted. On the other hand, an environment that reduces stress, in which people feel valued, have open and honest discussions, people can learn.  

What can we do to develop psychological safety?

Pay attention and listen actively. 

Show your trainees that you’re engaged and interested. They will shut down if they feel you don’t pay attention when they speak, or that you don’t value their participation and opinions. Ask questions to confirm you understand what they are saying. Also, use your body language to show engagement and be aware of it. Trainees will notice if you look tired or bored. 

Build trust by focusing on solutions.

If they make a mistake try not to focus too much on the what and why. Go over what happened and why if needed but focus on “How can we make this better next time? Using we turns the responsibility to both of you rather than to the trainee and his/her mistake.

Include trainees decision making

Especially when concerning their learning path, consult with your trainees when making decisions. Ask for their input, thoughts, and feedback. If there is something in which you couldn’t include them for decision-making, explain the reasoning behind the decision once a decision is made. Even if they disagree, they’ll appreciate the transparency. 

Lead by example

Don’t be afraid of taking interpersonal risks and sharing failures. Encourage your trainees to challenge your perspective and to give you feedback too. 

Final Thought

Making mistakes, asking questions, and discussing is crucial for learning. If trainees fear being humiliated they won’t participate and therefore their learning won’t be at its best. This can be worked out by ensuring trainees feel valued, respected, listened to, and part of the organisation.