Say Again! Lektor expands to new markets

Lektor ATC training starts at young age

Attention parents! 

After a thorough market research project, Lektor is ready to announce an exciting new initiative that is sure to take your child's prospects and career horizon to new heights. Lektor proudly expands air traffic control training to the 2-4 year old demographic and launches early learning ATC Training centers at nurseries and kindergartens around the world. These highly innovative learning hot spots are called Say Again! centers.

Lektor believes that practice makes perfect and the younger you start, the more time you have to gain that immeasurably valuable training experience. Toddlers as young as two years old will be able to start learning the intricacies of air traffic control. From managing traffic, like preventing congestion at the pram park during morning arrival rush and sequencing turns at the playground swings, to communicating effectively using approved phraseology with other children and staff, the Say Again! centers will turn a regular toddler into an up and coming air traffic control topliner. 

During the initial pilot program, Lektor observed the development of speech skills of the control group to see how using strict ICAO phraseology daily affects their communication.  Our studies concluded that for over half of the children in the group, the first cohesive word the future ATCO said was from the ICAO phraseology manual. The most common first words of the children in the program were: ‘Stand by’, ‘Negative’, ‘Not available’ or ‘Number two’.

The Say Again! centers are run by qualified ATC early educators who will teach the children everything they need to know to become proficient in this safety critical profession. The training will take place in a controlled and safe environment to indoctrinate healthy safety culture and mindset from the beginning. 

The benefits of this program are numerous. Not only will it help your child develop important cognitive and problem-solving skills, but it will also give them a head start in a highly competitive field. Say Again! centers are open H24 and future ATC professionals are able to learn in three shifts. Children are divided into Area, Terminal and Tower learning groups according to their hand-eye coordination abilities. The adult staff will ensure the groups do not mix in the playground to avoid bullying and hurt feelings. TRM sessions will be arranged as necessary.

The first Say Again! centers will open officially on the first of April. While we can't guarantee that your child will be able to recite doc 4444 by the end of the program, however we can without a doubt guarantee that they will have a lot of fun and learn valuable skills along the way.

So sign your child up for your nearest Lektor’s Say Again! training center today and watch them soar to new flight levels.