Tips for Staying Motivated While Learning Remotely

Studying remotely can be a challenge for many students, especially when it comes to staying motivated. ATCO training is not different in this aspect. With no in-person classes or social interactions with other students, it can be easy to feel disconnected and lose focus. However, with a few simple strategies, you can stay motivated and get the most out of your remote learning experience. 

We at Lektor provide 100% of our ATC courses as 100% remote training so we consider ourselves experts in remote learning. We hope you enjoy these tips and tricks and find something that will help you stay motivated while studying remotely.

Goal setting and planning

Set clear goals. Before you start studying, it's important to have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve. Set specific, measurable goals for each study session and make a plan to achieve them. 

Break tasks into smaller nuggets. Sometimes big tasks can feel overwhelming so break them into smaller bites. It’s easier to stay motivated when you know exactly what you’re doing and how it supports the process in the long run. Also, you can get some lovely dopamine kicks every time you complete a task, however small it is. 

Schedule your study time. Book time slots in your calendar only for studying. This way you know exactly when you will study, but you can also enjoy your free time without contemplating whether you should be studying more or not.

Take regular breaks. As well as scheduling your study time, it’s equally important to schedule breaks to give your brain time to recharge. You can try the popular Pomodoro technique: after each 25-minute study slot, you get a 5-minute break. 

Create a routine. Studying often feels like exercise, it’s hard to start again after a break. But once it’s in your routine it doesn’t require as much willpower. Having a set routine for your study time can help you stay focused and motivated. Stick to your routine as much as possible to maintain a sense of structure and discipline.

Take care of yourself. Proper rest, exercise, fresh air, good nutrition, and hydration all affect our mood and mindset. Taking care of your body also helps your brain to stay positive and motivated. 

Remote or in person, you’re not alone

Find an accountability partner. Studying with a partner can help you stay motivated and focused. Find someone who is also studying remotely and check in with them regularly. You can study together, discuss your progress, and hold each other accountable.

Ask for help. You’re not alone, there is always someone you can ask for help if you feel stuck: teachers, study-buddies, family members, or friends. Even if they cannot give you specific instructions for your task at hand, sometimes just a chat with a friend about motivation can spark up a new feeling of inspiration.

Make it fun

Mix up your learning style. Repeating the same learning techniques can get boring and kill your motivation. Try different styles and approaches to keep the learning process exciting. Listen to a podcast, watch videos, create mind maps, make a presentation, the list is endless! For inspiration, check out how Lektor utilises gamification in ATC training.

Test yourself. You can do this by yourself utilizing flashcards, or you can ask your friend to create an online quiz for you. Testing yourself not only shows your strengths and weaknesses but can also make learning feel like a fun game.

Utilize productivity apps. With new apps popping up daily, you can find countless productivity apps. ‘Forest’ app, for example, keeps track of the time you spend studying without distractions while growing a tree. The more time you spend studying, the more trees you grow. The app keeps you from letting your phone distract you and it’s motivating to see how much time you spend on your learning process.

Revamp your surroundings

Avoid distractions. It's easy to get sidetracked when studying remotely, so it's important to minimize distractions as much as possible. Turn off your phone, close your email, and find a quiet place to study.

Have a designated study space. A comfortable study zone can look different to everyone, however, usually a quiet and tidy place means minimal distractions. Make sure your study space is ergonomic and has sufficient light.

Mix up your study space. Contrary to the previous step, sometimes a change of scenery can spark up your motivation. Try places such as a library or a cozy café, sometimes having other people around can push you to be more productive.

Turn up the tunes. We wouldn’t advise you to go for the latest disco bangers, however, background music can help you focus better. Spotify for example is full of focus playlists to choose from: jazz, peaceful piano, white noise, or lofi beats; whatever floats your boat!

Good vibes only

Surround yourself with positivity. Surround yourself with positive and inspiring messages, whether that's through quotes, books, or podcasts. This can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.

Celebrate your successes. Take time to celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may be. Recognizing the progress you're making not only feeds your motivation but can also make your big end goal feel more achievable. 

Plan a reward. To celebrate your success, plan your rewards. This can be anything from treating yourself to a chocolate bar after finally learning something difficult, to taking yourself on a holiday after finishing your course. Whichever motivates you and works for your budget and preferences.

Recall your purpose. Those goals we set in the beginning? Visualize yourself achieving them and enjoying the fruits of all your hard work. Seeing yourself as a qualified ATC instructor in your mind can make you feel excited about the future and rekindle your motivation to new heights!

Remote ATC-training

In conclusion, staying motivated while studying remotely can be a challenge, but it's not impossible. Everyone is a unique learner so not all of these tricks and tips might work for you but with trial and error you can find the most suitable techniques for you. Knowing what keeps you motivated will not only ease your learning process but also make your journey to becoming a qualified ATC instructor enjoyable and fun!

Did we miss something important? Let us know your best tips for staying motivated while learning remotely!