Lektor March 2021 Newsletter

This month we’ve had some interesting things happening at Lektor. We have decided to keep constantly developing stuff, so that we can hold our position as the most modern and learner driven training organisation.

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Our training products are all available as online courses. Lektor’s instructor leads most of them, but we want to offer the training in hugely learner focused delivery.

That is why we started filming our instructional videos, which will be incorporated into our courses soon. When this is done, the student is free to complete the course in their own pace, whenever it is good for them.


The only part that still require someone from Lektor on the course will be the practical exercises. We have worked together with 10Monkeys, which is a company specialised in educational games and software. They have put together an interactive training platform, on which we can do all the practical exercises and competence assessments. This tool is also online, so the trainees do not need to travel anywhere to do this.

How cool is that? You can do a competence assessment sitting on your comfy lounger at home!

Lektor has set eyes also further in the future. The world will not snap back to the way it used to be, and nobody really knows what the new normal will look like. Except Lektor! We are determined to lead the way in the field of ATC training and create the new standards. This will include a lot of tech and a uber-learner-centered approach to training. For this end, we just secured a start funding from Business Finland, which will enable us to start our project of taking ATC Training to the next flight level.


Make sure you follow us on social media.

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We need your help in boosting Lektor to the top-of-mind. Please like, nudge, retweet, share, comment, poke, snap, binge, to spread the Lektor message.

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Stay tuned! Stay well!